If you are using SQLite and want to upgrade to mySQL, you must be aware that it is NOT possible to convert back to SQLite.
Config |
Explanation |
usemySQL |
Set to true if you have a MySQL database, otherwise leave it as false |
mySQLconn |
Set your connection to your MySQL Database. Only to be used if usemySQL is true. |
mySQLuname |
The username for your MySQL Database. Only to be used if usemySQL is true. |
mySQLpass |
The password for your MySQL Database. Only to be used if usemySQL is true. |
globalUseEconomy |
This needs to be set to true if you want to use economy features in any plotworld. |
allowWorldTeleport |
Allow teleportation to plotworlds from non-plotworlds |
defaultWEAnywhere |
Enables the use of WorldEdit Anywhere in plotworld. This is only avaliable to users with the
WorldEdit Plugin and have WorldEdit Permissions.
NbClearSpools |
The number of plots that can be cleared at a time. If you set this to X then X number of clears can
take place at a time. If you have X+1 clear requests, the X+1 request will run once the other X are
NbBlocksPerClearStep |
The number of blocks to clear per spool in async plot clearing/resetting |
AdvancedLogging |
Enables more output results in console and to the player |
worlds |
The beginning of world settings |
plotworld |
The name of your plotworld, in lowercase. You can customize this to any name you want as long as it
is lowercase.
DaysToExpiration |
The number of days until a plot expires. Setting this to zero means it will never expire
ProtectedBlocks |
Will prevent people from interacting with these blocks in plots they aren't allowed.
PreventedItems |
Will prevent people from right-clicking while holding these items in plots they aren't allowed.
economy |
The start of the economy features, if enabled.
UseEconomy |
True if you want to use economy features or false if you do not.
CanPutOnSale |
True if you want to be able to sell plots, false if you do not.
RefundClaimPriceOnReset |
Refunds the price paid to claim the plot if a user resets it.
To Be Removed in 0.17
RefundClaimPriceOnSetOwner |
Refunds the price paid to claim the plot to the original owner if a new owner is set.
To Be Removed in 0.17
ClaimPrice |
The cost to claim a plot.
ClearPricePrice |
The cost to clear a plot.
AddPlayerPrice |
The cost to add a player to a plot.
DenyPlayerPrice |
The cost to deny a player from a plot.
RemovePlayerPrice |
The cost to remove a player from a plot.
UndenyPlayerPrice |
The cost to undeny a player from a plot.
PlotHomePrice |
The cost to teleport a player to their home plot.
SellToPlayerPrice |
The price to sell a plot to a player.
BiomeChangePrice |
The price to change the biome of a plot.
ProtectPrice |
The price to protect a plot.
DisposePrice |
The price to dispose a plot.
DisableExplosion |
True if explosions are disabled in the world.
DisableIgnition |
True if fire is disabled in the world.
UseProgressiveClear |
A lag free gradual plot clearing and resetting process.
It is recommended that this be set to true as this option will be removed in 0.17
Projectiles |
True if projectiles are enabled in the world.
Config |
Explanation |
worlds |
The beginning of world settings |
RoadMainBlock |
The first stripe of the plotme road.
ProtectedWallBlock |
The block to be used for the plot border when a plot is protected.
PlotFloorBlock |
The block to be used for the floor of the plot. |
GroundHeight |
The height of the ground for the world |
UnclaimedBorder |
The block to be used for the plot border if the plot is unclaimed.
ForSaleWallBlock |
The block to be used for the plot border if the plot is on sale.
AuctionWallBlock |
The block to be used for the plot border if the plot is auctioned.
PlotSize |
The size of each plot |
RoadAltBlock |
The second stripe to be used on the plot road.
WallBlock |
The block to be used for the plot border when a plot is claimed.
FillBlock |
The block that the plot is filled with. Typically dirt.
PathWidth |
The width of the roads between plots.
ClearPricePrice |
The cost to clear a plot.
AddPlayerPrice |
The cost to add a player to a plot.
DenyPlayerPrice |
The cost to deny a player from a plot.
RemovePlayerPrice |
The cost to remove a player from a plot.
UndenyPlayerPrice |
The cost to undeny a player from a plot.
PlotHomePrice |
The cost to teleport a player to their home plot.
SellToPlayerPrice |
The price to sell a plot to a player.
BiomeChangePrice |
The price to change the biome of a plot.
ProtectPrice |
The price to protect a plot.
DisposePrice |
The price to dispose a plot.
DisableExplosion |
True if explosions are disabled in the world.
DisableIgnition |
True if fire is disabled in the world.
UseProgressiveClear |
A lag free gradual plot clearing and resetting process.
Projectiles |
True if projectiles are enabled in the world.
XTranslation |
The spawn point on the x-axis of the plotworld.
ZTranslation |
The spawn point on the z-axis of the plotworld.