Minecraft PlotMe Plugin

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PlotMe-Core 0.16 Configuration


If you are using SQLite and want to upgrade to mySQL, you must be aware that it is NOT possible to convert back to SQLite.

Config Explanation
usemySQL Set to true if you have a MySQL database, otherwise leave it as false
mySQLconn Set your connection to your MySQL Database. Only to be used if usemySQL is true.
mySQLuname The username for your MySQL Database. Only to be used if usemySQL is true.
mySQLpass The password for your MySQL Database. Only to be used if usemySQL is true.
globalUseEconomy This needs to be set to true if you want to use economy features in any plotworld.
allowWorldTeleport Allow teleportation to plotworlds from non-plotworlds
defaultWEAnywhere Enables the use of WorldEdit Anywhere in plotworld. This is only avaliable to users with the WorldEdit Plugin and have WorldEdit Permissions.
NbClearSpools The number of plots that can be cleared at a time. If you set this to X then X number of clears can take place at a time. If you have X+1 clear requests, the X+1 request will run once the other X are finished.
NbBlocksPerClearStep The number of blocks to clear per spool in async plot clearing/resetting
AdvancedLogging Enables more output results in console and to the player
worlds The beginning of world settings
plotworld The name of your plotworld, in lowercase. You can customize this to any name you want as long as it is lowercase.
DaysToExpiration The number of days until a plot expires. Setting this to zero means it will never expire
ProtectedBlocks Will prevent people from interacting with these blocks in plots they aren't allowed.
PreventedItems Will prevent people from right-clicking while holding these items in plots they aren't allowed.
economy The start of the economy features, if enabled.
UseEconomy True if you want to use economy features or false if you do not.
CanPutOnSale True if you want to be able to sell plots, false if you do not.
RefundClaimPriceOnReset Refunds the price paid to claim the plot if a user resets it. To Be Removed in 0.17
RefundClaimPriceOnSetOwner Refunds the price paid to claim the plot to the original owner if a new owner is set. To Be Removed in 0.17
ClaimPrice The cost to claim a plot.
ClearPricePrice The cost to clear a plot.
AddPlayerPrice The cost to add a player to a plot.
DenyPlayerPrice The cost to deny a player from a plot.
RemovePlayerPrice The cost to remove a player from a plot.
UndenyPlayerPrice The cost to undeny a player from a plot.
PlotHomePrice The cost to teleport a player to their home plot.
SellToPlayerPrice The price to sell a plot to a player.
BiomeChangePrice The price to change the biome of a plot.
ProtectPrice The price to protect a plot.
DisposePrice The price to dispose a plot.
DisableExplosion True if explosions are disabled in the world.
DisableIgnition True if fire is disabled in the world.
UseProgressiveClear A lag free gradual plot clearing and resetting process. It is recommended that this be set to true as this option will be removed in 0.17
Projectiles True if projectiles are enabled in the world.

Example PlotMe Configuration File

usemySQL: false
mySQLconn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
mySQLuname: root
mySQLpass: password
globalUseEconomy: true
allowWorldTeleport: true
defaultWEAnywhere: false
NbClearSpools: 3
NbBlocksPerClearStep: 50000
AdvancedLogging: false
    PlotAutoLimit: 1000
    DaysToExpiration: 7
    - 54
    - 61
    - 54
    - 62
    - 120
    - 94
    - 93
    - 84
    - 25
    - 355
    - 118
    - 117
    - 138
    - 140
    - 145
    - 154
    - 23
    - 158
    - '351:15'
    - '259'
    - '328'
    - '343'
    - '342'
    - '333'
      UseEconomy: true
      CanPutOnSale: true
      RefundClaimPriceOnReset: true
      RefundClaimPriceOnSetOwner: true
      ClaimPrice: 0.0
      ClearPrice: 0.0
      AddPlayerPrice: 0.0
      DenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
      RemovePlayerPrice: 0.0
      UndenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
      PlotHomePrice: 0.0
      SellToPlayerPrice: 0.0
      BiomeChangePrice: 0.0
      ProtectPrice: 0.0
      DisposePrice: 0.0
    AutoLinkPlots: false
    DisableExplosion: true
    DisableIgnition: true
    UseProgressiveClear: false
    NextFreed: -1;0
    PlotAutoLimit: 1000
    DaysToExpiration: 0
    - 54
    - 61
    - 54
    - 62
    - 120
    - 94
    - 93
    - 84
    - 25
    - 355
    - 118
    - 117
    - 138
    - 140
    - 145
    - 154
    - 23
    - 158
    - '351:15'
    - '259'
    - '328'
    - '343'
    - '342'
    - '333'
      UseEconomy: false
      CanPutOnSale: false
      RefundClaimPriceOnReset: false
      RefundClaimPriceOnSetOwner: false
      ClaimPrice: 0.0
      ClearPrice: 0.0
      AddPlayerPrice: 0.0
      DenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
      RemovePlayerPrice: 0.0
      UndenyPlayerPrice: 0.0
      PlotHomePrice: 0.0
      SellToPlayerPrice: 0.0
      BiomeChangePrice: 0.0
      ProtectPrice: 0.0
      DisposePrice: 0.0
    DisableExplosion: true
    DisableIgnition: true
    UseProgressiveClear: false
    Projectiles: true

PlotMe Default-Generator 0.16 Configuration

Config Explanation
worlds The beginning of world settings
RoadMainBlock The first stripe of the plotme road.
ProtectedWallBlock The block to be used for the plot border when a plot is protected.
PlotFloorBlock The block to be used for the floor of the plot.
GroundHeight The height of the ground for the world
UnclaimedBorder The block to be used for the plot border if the plot is unclaimed.
ForSaleWallBlock The block to be used for the plot border if the plot is on sale.
AuctionWallBlock The block to be used for the plot border if the plot is auctioned.
PlotSize The size of each plot
RoadAltBlock The second stripe to be used on the plot road.
WallBlock The block to be used for the plot border when a plot is claimed.
FillBlock The block that the plot is filled with. Typically dirt.
PathWidth The width of the roads between plots.
ClearPricePrice The cost to clear a plot.
AddPlayerPrice The cost to add a player to a plot.
DenyPlayerPrice The cost to deny a player from a plot.
RemovePlayerPrice The cost to remove a player from a plot.
UndenyPlayerPrice The cost to undeny a player from a plot.
PlotHomePrice The cost to teleport a player to their home plot.
SellToPlayerPrice The price to sell a plot to a player.
BiomeChangePrice The price to change the biome of a plot.
ProtectPrice The price to protect a plot.
DisposePrice The price to dispose a plot.
DisableExplosion True if explosions are disabled in the world.
DisableIgnition True if fire is disabled in the world.
UseProgressiveClear A lag free gradual plot clearing and resetting process.
Projectiles True if projectiles are enabled in the world.
XTranslation The spawn point on the x-axis of the plotworld.
ZTranslation The spawn point on the z-axis of the plotworld.

Example PlotMe Configuration File

    RoadMainBlock: '5'
    ProtectedWallBlock: '44:4'
    PlotFloorBlock: '2'
    GroundHeight: 64
    UnclaimedBorder: '44:7'
    ForSaleWallBlock: '44:1'
    PlotSize: 32
    ZTranslation: 0
    RoadAltBlock: '5:2'
    WallBlock: '44'
    FillBlock: '3'
    PathWidth: 7
    XTranslation: 0
    AuctionWallBlock: '44:1'